Brian Azzopardi
Researcher, Lecturer - MCAST
Brian Azzopardi is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Engineering and Transport, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Malta and part-time Founding Consultant of Azzopardi and Associates Firm. He is the Coordinator of two EU H2020 Twinning projects the Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence (JUMP2Excel.eu) and Networking for Excellence in Electric Mobility Operations NEEMO Project. He directly secured funding totalling over €5M from a variety of international UK, Lithuania and Maltese research councils, as well as industry and the EU, supporting undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Since 2011, he held senior academic positions as Associate Professor in Lithuania and as Senior Lecturer in the United Kingdom (UK). Dr Azzopardi is Senior Member IEEE and member of four other professional institutions. In 2008 he received the Eur. Ing. title followed by the CEng and the EI Chartered Energy Engineer titles. In 2012, Dr Azzopardi was appointed by The Malta Minister for Education and Employment as Chairman of the Tertiary Education Scholarship Scheme (TESS).
He received the BEng(Hons) from The University of Malta, in 2002 and PhD from The University of Manchester, UK in 2011, both in electrical and electronics engineering. He also received teaching and pedological Certificate from MCAST in 2008 and Postgraduate Certificate from Oxford Brookes University, UK in 2012. He is editor and co-author of a book, book chapter, 100+ research papers in peer-reviewed impact listed journals and conferences, and invited lecturer at international organisations.
He received the BEng(Hons) from The University of Malta, in 2002 and PhD from The University of Manchester, UK in 2011, both in electrical and electronics engineering. He also received teaching and pedological Certificate from MCAST in 2008 and Postgraduate Certificate from Oxford Brookes University, UK in 2012. He is editor and co-author of a book, book chapter, 100+ research papers in peer-reviewed impact listed journals and conferences, and invited lecturer at international organisations.